I see you out there…
Hoarding your receipts & spinning your wheels trying to keep track of your money, when really, you have no idea where to start when it comes to keeping your business books organized and your finances in tip-top shape.
I feel ya though. As a creative entrepreneur like you, bookkeeping, taxes, and financial organization isn’t exactly the most exciting topic to drop a sick beat and bust a move to. 🎶💃
But lemme tell ya something…
A more profitable business (AKA, one where you actually have a phat stack of ca$h and get to pay yourself), starts with your bookkeeping.
How rad would it be if all this money stuff was actually (dare I say) F-U-N?
You Could …
Get clarity on your finances.
Take control of yo’ money story.
Manage your bookkeeping, accounting, & taxes like a boss.
Feel empowered & confident in your money-making decisions.
It’s time to stop letting your numbers hold you back from having the business (and life) you deserve, and take control of your money, once and for all!
But what about the money side of running a successful and profitable business? Yeahh, not your zone of genius.
Which is why you’re left scratching your head when it comes to doing things like actually paying yourself appropriately for the hard freakin’ work you’re doing, raising your prices to reach those money goals, keeping your books up-to-date, and doing yo’ taxes.
Serving your clients and getting them hella good results?
You’ve got that in the bag!
Creating a money workflow and action plan that works FOR you and your money so you can take back control of your finances?
That’s where I come in!
Have you ever wished you had access to an approachable accountant to talk to about day-to-day operations, strategy, and pricing, and not just at tax time, but in real-time as things are happening in your biz?
That’s what we specialize in at Caritas Company.
We hold your hand from start to finish so you can have confidence in running your biz… YOUR way.
Money CAN be easy and fun, and I’m here to show you how!
Consider this your virtual “arm around your shoulder” style invitation to become my new profit-boostin’, money-makin’, bad mama-jama BFF!

Hey, heyyyy, it’s me, Kristine!
I’m Kristine Miguel, your go-to money guru, spreadsheets freak, and forever rap-singing accountant in your back-pocket that’ll help you get right with yo’ cash, rain or shine.
I’m a mom, wife, and small business owner who took the leap in 2018 to drop out of the cushy corporate finance world to start my dream business… Caritas Company.
Since then, I’ve been on a mission to teach service-based Canadian biz owners how to organize their finances, manage their cash, and get intentional with their finances.
The truth is, money doesn’t have to be hard, especially when you’ve got a smart-money sidekick on your side.
Bookkeeping Bootcamp
Ready to take control of your business finances and feel ooh-la-la confident for tax season?
Suh-weet! I’ll teach you all the bookkeeping and tax basics you need so you can build a profitable business and make tax season a breeze.
Perfect for service-based startups.
VIP Experience
1:1 Consulting
Need personalized coaching and learn how to make your money #werk for you?
Hot damn, this 3-month money glow up is just for you, boo! I’ll help you set up your bookkeeping, optimize your pricing and dial in new money habits.
Perfect for growth-stage businesses.
Clarity Call
Have a list of questions you need answered, like, yesterday?
I’ve got you! In this highly focused 60-minute session, you can pick my brain about your 99 problems. From bookkeeping to tax tips, you’ll leave feeling so fresh and so clear, clear.
Perfect for biz owners at all levels.
Speaking & Workshops
Wanna WOW your peeps with a high-energy, fun AF money-talkin’ emcee?
Let’s make your next event a hit. I offer interactive keynotes and workshops about mindset, financial literacy and financial technology for startups and entrepreneurs.
Perfect for summits, conferences, retreats, and community events.
Want a sneak peek at what it’s like to work with Caritas Company?
We’ve got you covered… check out our vault of totally rad-tastic resources!
Best in the Biz Tech Stack
Cloud-based solutions to track your business finances while saving time and definitely stressing less.
Free Masterclass: Organize Yo’ Business Finances in 3 Simple Steps
A totally FREE masterclass for Canadian service-based/ biz owners who want to get their financial $hit together, like yesterday.
Incorporating in Canada: A Legal, Tax, and Accounting Playbook
An extensive step-by-step how-to guide, interactive checklist, and video walk-through.
Tax Break Blueprint
A tax write-off cheat sheet for Canadian small business who want to pay less taxes and keep mo’ money in their pocket!